About us

I am David Conway.  

Here you can read emancipatory journalism. A form of critical writing that fosters resistance to the hegemony of the powerful.  

As such, I am interested in several overlapping themes. 

First, United States (US) foreign power and how it sustains capitalism. 

Second, capitalism and the evolution of neoliberalism. Or any other form that emerges from global economic decoupling

The final focuses on the harms of capitalism, such as corporate crime, and the resistance to it.

My posts will cover events from a multi-disciplinary academic perspective. One based on the Social Sciences I have studied. American Studies, Criminology, History, International Relations and Sociology.

A Marxist/Anarchist view of political economy drives my posts. One that eschews surface analysis for a critique of the state and the elites that control it. It is anti-imperialist, anti-colonial and against war on the poor and labour.

I stole the name "I post what I like!" from the US scholar Jared Ball who uses "I mix what I like online". He, in turn, stole it from the South African anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko and his 1978 book "I write what I like".

Another influence on my writing is my life spent in Ireland, England and Mexico.


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